Βράβευση από Ελληνοαμερικάνικη Ένωση​

Βράβευση από Ελληνοαμερικάνικη Ένωση​

Βράβευση από Ελληνοαμερικάνικη Ένωση

Βράβευση του Φροντιστηρίου Ιωάννα Σαβέρη από την Ελληνοαμερικάνικη Ένωση – Hellenic American Union για το εντυπωσιακό σκορ 1000/1000 που πέτυχε η μαθήτριά μας στις γραπτές εξετάσεις ECCE  τον Μάιο.


The Hellenic American Union Center for Examinations and Certifications would like to congratulate you and your dedicated team at ΣΑΒΕΡΗ ΙΩΑΝΝΑ for the outstanding achievement in preparing students for the May 2023 ECCE. The impressive 1000 scaled score achieved 1 time by your students in the ECCE Writing shows your commitment to excellence in language education which is truly commendable. It is evident that your school’s approach, methodology, and the tireless efforts of your instructors have culminated in this remarkable success. Your students’ achievements in the Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English developed by Michigan Language Assessment are a testament to your unwavering dedication to their growth and development.

The students’ success in the ECCE is a solid foundation for their future goals and proof of the quality education they receive at ΣΑΒΕΡΗ ΙΩΑΝΝΑ.
Once again, congratulations on this remarkable achievement. Your contributions to the field of English language education are invaluable, and we have no doubt that your students will carry the skills and knowledge gained at ΣΑΒΕΡΗ ΙΩΑΝΝΑ with them throughout their lives.

Wishing you continued success and excellence in all your educational endeavors.

Warm regards,

Ifigeneia Rigopoulou

Director Center for Examinations and Certifications Hellenic American Union

Βραβευση Hellenic American Union
Βράβευση HAU